Saturday, August 31, 2019

Karl Marx and Capitalism Essay

In this paper I will examine how Karl Marx views capitalism and, more specifically, the criticisms he has regarding capitalism. In the first part of the paper I will reconstruct and explain the philosopher’s argument. In the second part of the paper I will offer my critical evaluation where I will demonstrate how these critiques are still appropriate in today’s society by providing examples of how capitalism is affecting the lives of American workers even today. However, I will first explain the definition and structure of capitalism. Capitalism is an economic system that is most common in the United States and much of Western Europe today. It is represented by privatization of companies for production of goods or services for a profit, competitive markets, and wage labor (â€Å"Capitalism†). These individual skills were initially developed from skills that grew out of the economic time period known as feudalism and has evolved into individuals who possess certain skills that can demand payment. Although this may seem like it would be an ideal situation for workers and provide a platform to provide a service in return for payment of some sort, it soon became evident that there were people who would use this new system of economics to their advantage. Instead of doing the work themselves, they would find skilled workers to provide the service or product under the umbrella of their organization to which they would market and sell the goods for profit. The business owner would make a profit and, in turn, pay the worker a portion for his services provided. Unfortunately, there were others who were unable to make the system work for them in such an advantageous manner. Karl Marx had two basic criticisms of capitalism – especially in his lifetime of the beginning of the industrial revolution and the formation of factories. His first was the thought that the worker suffered from alienation on several different levels. As a capitalistic society succeeds by gaining profit for the companies and business owners, the overall cost of goods needed to live also increases. If the wages earned by workers went up consistently with the profits of society and, thus, the increase in the cost of living, all would be good and balanced. However, that is not the case in most circumstances, in fact, as Marx points out, â€Å"the worker becomes an ever cheaper commodity the more goods he creates† (Johnson 261). In other words, as the production increases the cost to produce is lowered. The business owner sees those profits in the gross profit obtained by the sale of goods; however, the worker is generally not compensated in a fair and equitable manner. This turns a skill which may or may not have been a passion at one time into something that the worker is forced to do whether they desire to do so or not. Even if a worker enjoyed his occupation, chances are, he or she is being forced to comply with guidelines or standards set by someone else. As a worker you are still not truly free to produce your work according to your standards so you are, in essence, alienating yourself from the product of your work. According to Marx, capitalism has also produced an alienation from nature. He states that the capitalistic society conceals this alienation because it does not examine the direct relationship between the worker and production (Johnson 263). Essentially, the labor of the worker may produce wonderful and beautiful things for the wealthy individuals but oftentimes the working class population may never get to experience the beauty for themselves. Furthermore, the workers identity is often lost within their job and they do not have the means to express their individuality. This is identified by Marx as being alienated from yourself and from your labor. Most people do not proclaim their uniqueness in ways that focus around their occupation. Even in a highly sought after job you may, for a time, feel as if that encompasses who you truly are, but it is only a small part of your being – your essence. This also ties in to another alienation theme of Marx which is the alienation from your species as a human being. According to Marx, â€Å"the worker feels himself to be freely active only in his animal function – eating, drinking, and procreating, or at most also in his dwelling and in personal adornment – while in his human functions he is reduced to animal† (Johnson 264). In other words, as workers we are often free only when we are allowed to do what we want to do instead of what is demanded and required of us at our jobs. When this happens, we are often reduced to a more animalistic approach to fulfilling our needs. Finally, Marx contends that in a apitalistic society, the worker is alienated from others. Because there is so much competition in capitalism – which is the driving force for production and profits – it causes a hostile environment among workers. Many are competing for the same position or the same customer or account. This competition causes a friction within the frame of society that pits individual against individual which is what leads us into the next matter of contention with Marx in his views of capitalism which is exploitation. He claims that â€Å"private property has made us so stupid and partial that an object is only ours when we have it, when it exists for us as capital or when it is directly eaten, drunk, worn, inhabited, etc. , in short, utilized in some way; although private property itself only conceives these various forms of possession as means of life, and the life for which they serve as means is the life of private property – labor and creation of capital† (Johnson 266). People have become so materialistic in our capitalistic society that they are driven to all means by which to obtain their measures of status. Because of this, the workers are driven to give into demands made by their employers in order to make the wages necessary to maintain their standard of living. Since the workers are plentiful, the products are also plentiful, which discussed earlier creates a larger bottom line for the profit of the company or business owner. However, even though the profits are increased for the business owners of the capitalistic society, the wages are often not as high as the profit. Thus, the value of the product is high while keeping the value of the worker low. This is a classic example of exploitation. I think that the criticisms offered by Marx are still applicable in today’s society in the United States. I think that the worker is indeed alienated from his true identity as an individual. Before the onset of industrialized production there was a certain pride associated with one’s occupation; whether that was as a craftsman in wood, as a blacksmith, tailor, or bricklayer. No matter your profession, you were able to express your individuality and impart your character into the product of your work. Sadly, this is not the case with the workers of today. They are often subject to limitations and expectations that hinder their creative ability and they are forced to produce that are a poor representation of their ability or personality. Most people are forced into positions they don’t even want to be in professionally because they need to make a certain amount of money to pay for their wants and needs. This creates a frustration and dissatisfaction that reaches far beyond the walls of the factory or office. It is no wonder that most workers today dread Monday mornings and count the days until five o’clock Friday afternoon. Again and again, the energy level increases as the weekend approaches. There is a common sentiment that states everybody is simply working for the weekend. This is because workers are dissatisfied with their jobs and feel undervalued and taken advantage of in many circumstances. Once the workday ends, the freedom begins for the worker. This is often why the bars have a â€Å"happy hour† as this is where the worker can forget the troubles of the day and throw back a drink or two and finally relax. The economic conditions of living in an industrialized society has turned the ordinary worker into a materialistic consumer that generally far outreaches his or her ability to afford to keep up with the Jones’. Because many feel the pressure of this forced societal expectations to possess certain items, live in a certain neighborhood, d rive the right car all while wearing the right clothes and accessories we as workers in the United States have been put in the unfortunate and unbalanced position of much more want than means by which to provide it. As long as that continues, we are stuck in a cycle of never ending wants that never truly satisfy because they are not meeting what is truly needed in our lives. Marx claims that â€Å"the human being had to be reduced to this absolute poverty in order to be able to give birth to all his inner wealth† (Johnson 268). In a capitalistic society it is encouraged, and even necessary, to consume what is being produced in order for capitalism to continue to grow. Today’s worker can do this in moderation, without putting themselves or their families in such a position to further add to the frustration of meeting expectations and demands at a workplace that is unfulfilling to their existence. Furthermore, I think that labor unions were formed in the early 1900’s in order to protect workers from exploitation of greedy business owners. At the turn of the century, many workers were expected to work long hours almost every day of the week. There were unsafe working environments s well as high quotas being placed on workers from employers with minimal compensation to the workers. All of this was so the profits could rise as production was increased. There seemed no reason to pay more in wages by adding workers or in higher salaries for the existing employees when the business owners could simply demand more from their current workforce. Also, working conditions were often unsafe while trying to maximize workspace with the maximum number of workers without actually increasing the area being used. Because of labor unions working conditions have improved greatly for the worker in America; there are 40 hour work weeks with compensation for additional hours worked; guidelines have been implemented to make for safer working conditions; and there is more room for negotiation for fair wages without fear of retaliation by employers. Although labor unions are still in existence today, they have much less impact than they had in the past. Politicians are close bedfellows with the corporate executives across our nation and policies are ever changing to benefit the corporation and business owners while causing the worker to suffer the consequences. Even though there have been great improvements in regard to the criticisms of alienation and exploitation that Marx had against capitalism, I believe they still exist. Marx may have not been of this century but I feel his observations are still valid in today’s world.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Post Partum Haemorrhage (PPH) Essay

Introduction: Post partum haemorrhage (PPH) is an obstetrical emergency that can follow vaginal or cesarean delivery. It is a major cause of maternal morbidity and one of the top three causes of maternal mortality in both high and low per capital income countries, although the absolute risk of death in much lower in high income countries (1 in 100,000 versus 1 in 1000 births in low income countries). Furthermore, hemorrhage is the leading cause of admission of the intensive care unit and the most preventable cause of maternal mortality. The average blood loss following vaginal delivery, caesarean delivery and caesarean hysterectomy is 500 ml, 1000ml and 1500 ml respectively. Depending upon the amount of blood loss, post partum hemorrhage (PPH) can be- âž ¢ Minor (1L) âž ¢ Severe (10g/dl) so that the patient can withstand some amount of the blood loss. †¢ High risk patients who are likely to develop post partum hemorrhage (such as twins, hydramnios, grand multipara, APH, history of previous PPH, severe anemia) are to be screened & delivered in a well equipped hospital. †¢ Blood groping should be one for all women so that no time is wasted during emergency. †¢ Placental localization must be done in all women with previous caesarean delivery by USG or MRI to detect placenta accreta or percreta. †¢ Women with morbid adherent placenta are at high risk of PPH. Such a case should be delivered by a senior obstetrician. A availability of blood & or blood products must be ensured before hand. Intranatal: †¢ Active management of the third stage, for all women in labour should be a routine as it reduces PPH by 60%. †¢ Women delivered by caesarean section, oxytocin 5 IU slow IV is to be given to reduce blood loss. †¢ Exploration of the utero-vaginal canal for evidence of trauma following difficult labour or instrumental delivery. †¢ Observation for about 2 hours often delivery to make sure that the uterus is hard and well contracted before sending her to ward. †¢ During caesarean section spontaneous separation & delivery of the placenta reduces blood loss (30%). Management of retained placenta: This diagnosis is reached when the placenta remains undelivered after a specified period of time (usually half to 1 hour following the baby’s birth). This is done to apply pressure to the placental site. The whole hand is introduced into the vagina in cone shaped fashion after separating the labia with the fingers of the other hand. the vaginal hand is clenched into a fist with the back of the hand directed posteriorly and the knuckles in the anterior fornix. The other hand is placed over the abdomen behind the uterus to make it anteverted. The uterus is firmly squeezed between the two hands. It may be necessary to continue the compression for a prolonged period until the (during the period, the resuscitative measures are to be continued). Manual removal of the placenta: The operation is done under general anaesthesia. The patient is placed in lithotomy position with all aseptic measures, the bladder is catheterized. One hand is introduced into the uterus after smearing with the antiseptic solution in cone shaped manner following the cord, which is made taut by the other hand. While introducing the hand, the labia are separated by the fingers of the other hand. The fingers of the uterine should locate the margin of the placenta. Counter pressure on the uterine fundus is applied by the other hand placed over the abdomen. The abdominal hand should steady the fundus & guide the movements of the fingers inside the uterine cavity till the placenta is completely separated. As soon as the placental margin is reached, the fingers are insinuated between the placenta & the uterine wall with the back of the hand in contact with the uterine wall. The placenta is gradually separated with a side ways slicing movement of the fingers, until whole of the placenta is separated. When the placenta is completely separated, it is extracted by traction of the cord by the other hand. The uterine hand is still inside the uterus for exploration of the cavity to be sure that nothing is left behind. i) Management of third stage bleeding: In this third stage of bleeding or hemorrhage, the bleeding occurs before expulsion of placenta. Principles âž ¢ To empty the uterus. âž ¢ To replace the blood. âž ¢ To ensure effective haemostasis. Steps of management: a) Placental site bleeding: âž ¢ To palpate the fundus and manage the uterus to make it hard. âž ¢ To start crystalloid with oxytocin at 60 drops /min and to arrange for blood transfusion if necessary. âž ¢ Oxytocin 10 units IM or methargin 0.2 mg. is given intravenously. âž ¢ To catheterize the bladder. âž ¢ To give antibiotics (ampicillin 2gm.and Metronidazole 500mg. IV). b) Traumatic bleeding: The utero vaginal canal is to be explored under general anaesthesia after the placenta is expelled. ii) Management of true post partum hemorrhage: In this true post partum hemorrhage the bleeding occurs subsequent to expulsion of placenta (majority). Management: âž ¢ Call for extra help involve the obstetric senior staff on call. âž ¢ Keep patient flat and warm. âž ¢ Send blood for diagnostic test. âž ¢ Infuse rapidly 2 litres of normal saline. âž ¢ Give oxygen by mask 10-15L/min. âž ¢ Monitor the pulse, blood pressure, urine output, drug type, dose and time. B. Secondary Post partum hemorrhage: Definition: Secondary post partum hemorrhage is bleeding from the genital tract more than 24 hours after delivery of the placenta and may occur upto 6 week later. The bleeding usually occurs between 8th to 14th day of delivery. Causes: The causes of late post partum hemorrhage are- 1. Retained bits of cotyledon or membranes (commonest) 2. Infection and separation of slough over a deep cervico-vaginal laceration. 3. Endometritis and sub involution of the placental site- due to delayed healing process. 4. Secondary hemorrhage from caesarean section wound usually occur between 10-14 days. 5. Withdrawal bleeding following oestrogen therapy for suppression of lactation. Clinical Manifestation: 1. The lochia are heavier than normal & recurrence of bright red flow. 2. Offensive lochia if infection is a contributory factor. 3. Sub involution of uterus. 4. Pyrexia & tachycardia. Diagnosis: The bleeding is bright red and varying amount. Rarely it may be brisk. Varying degree of anemia & evidences of sepsis are present. Internal examination reveals evidences of sepsis, sub involution of the uterus & often patulous cervical OS. Ultrasonography is usual in detecting the bits of placenta inside the uterine cavity. Management: Principle: âž ¢ To assess the amount of blood loss & to replace it (transfusion) âž ¢ To find out the cause & to take appropriate steps to rectify it. Management: i) Massage the uterus if it is still palpable to bring about a contraction. ii) Express any clots. iii) Encourage the mother to empty her bladder. iv) Give an oxytocic drug such as ergometrine by intravenous or intramuscular route. v) Save all pads & lines to assess the volume of blood loss. vi) If retained products of conception are not seen on an ultrasound scan, the mother may be treated conservatively with antibiotic therapy and oral ergometrine. vii) Anemia is treated with iron supplement & in severe cases, blood is transfused. Nursing management of PPH: Assessment: 1. Assess maternal history for risk factors, plan accordingly and communicate to the perinatal area. 2. Assess pulse pressure, recording consistently less than 30bpm are consistent with hypertensive crisis. 3. Assess intake & output chart. 4. Assess location & firmness of uterine fundus. 5. Palpate the bladder distension, which may interfere with contracting of the uterus. 6. Inspect for intactness of any parineal area. Diagnosis: i) Deficit fluid volume related to blood loss as manifested by looking pale, dehydrated & decrease pulse rate. ii) Acute pain related to perineal discomfort from birth trauma and physiologic changes from births as monitored by wrinkled in forehead, restlessness & irritability. iii) imbalance nutrition less than body requirement related to restriction in food intake as manifested by fatigue, weakness and lethargic. iv) Sleeping pattern disturbance related to pain & bleeding as manifested by drowsiness, lethargic, irritated, etc. v) Risk for infection related to birth process & maintaining poor hygiene as manifested by patient’s verbal complain, irritable & discomfort. Goal: i) Monitoring for hypotension & bleeding. ii) Minimize the pain. iii) Improve nutritional status. iv) Improve sleep pattern. v) Reduce the risk for infection. Intervention: âž ¢ For 1st diagnosis: i) Monitor vital signs every 4 hours during the first 24 hours. ii) Assess vaginal discharge for clots and amount. iii) Maintained IV line as ordered by the doctor. âž ¢ For 2nd diagnosis: i) Assess pain level, location, duration and type also. ii) Provide comfortable position (i.e. supine position) iii) Administered medicine as prescribed by the doctor. âž ¢ For 3rd diagnosis: i) Assess the nutritional status of the patient. ii) Patient is advised to take liquid diet from 3rd day & solid from 4th day. iii) Weight in monitored daily. âž ¢ For 4th diagnosis: i) Sleep pattern is assessed. ii) Provide a neat and tidy bed to the patient. iii) Unnecessary procedures avoided during sleeping period. iv) Patient is advised to discourage day time sleeping. âž ¢ For 5th diagnosis: i) Assessed the level of infection, burning sensation and frequency of urination. ii) Washing hands & wearing gloves can reduce the risk for infection before doing any procedure. iii) Advised the patient to maintain the personal hygiene and also should teach how to take care of perineal area. Evaluation: i) Bleeding is reduced than before. ii) Patients pain level might be minimized. iii) Nutritional status of the patient is improved. iv) Patients sleep pattern is improved. v) Infection is controlled. Conclusion: Post Partum hemorrhage continued to be a leading cause of maternal morbidity & mortality. In this patient despite identification and attempt at correction of an identified clotting disorder, major obstetric hemorrhage was not avoided. However, these factors may be unavoidable and early surgical intervention as per local protocol is recommended to minimize maternal morbidity. After studying & presenting the seminar on the topic of PPH, I got a thorough idea about this disease and I am thankful to ma’am for giving me opportunity of presenting this topic. I think I can be able to import some amount of knowledge to the group & I will be able to provide proper care to such patient if I got in future. Bibliography: 1. C.D. Dutta â€Å"text book of obstetrics† 7th edition, new central book agency, page no- 410-418 2. Annamma Jacob â€Å"A comprehensive textbook of midwifery & Gynecological Nursing†, 3rd edition, Joypee brothers medical publishers (p) Ltd. 3. â€Å"Myhes Tex book for midwives†, edited by V. Rith Bennett Linda K. Brown, 12th edition. Page No- 462-470 4. Dr. Parulekar Shashank V., â€Å"Text book for midwives†, 2nd edition, voramidical publication. Page No- 351-356. 5. B. Basavanthappa T. â€Å"Essentials of midwifery & obstetrical Nursing†, 1st edition, Jaypee Brothers medical publishers. Page No- 544-555. 6.>URMC>Health Encyclopedia âž ¢>Labour & Birth. âž ¢>Home>women’shealth> idelines>search for a guideline. âž ¢ Bmb.oxford âž ¢> journal list>cases J/V.J;2008

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Comparative Analysis Of The Education System In The United Kingdom And Pakistan

A Comparative Analysis Of The Education System In The United Kingdom And Pakistan Academic Skills There are different education systems that exist in United Kingdom (UK) and Pakistan. These two countries exist in different continents namely Europe and Asia. The United Kingdom (UK) is comprised of four countries namely Wales, Ireland, England and Scotland; education system that exists in all countries that forms a larger united kingdom is not such similar. There are some minimal similarities is some aspects. Pakistan is divided into four provinces. There are differences and similarities of education systems that exist within Pakistan in their four provinces in the case of UK countries. International comparison of education system is a key factor when determining how far a country has advanced in terms of innovation, technology, infrastructure and other factors of developments. The purpose of this essay is to compare and contrast the education systems that exist in the UK and Pakistan in terms of structure, curriculum, religion assessments, and examinations among others. The education system that exists in Pakistan is three-tier; it includes elementary (grade1-8), secondary (grade 9-12) and higher education also known as tertiary education which follow after twelve years of schooling. Elementary education is divided into two levels. There is primary (grade 1-5) and elementary or middle (grade 6-8). This are delivered in primary and elementary school. Whereas education in UK is compulsory, education is not compulsory (statutory) requirement at all levels in Pakistan and this has led to an increase in illiteracy rate and low participation rate at all levels. In elementary schools, children between the ages of 5 years to nine years are enrolled. Education is not statutory in some UK countries like Scotland and England. In Scotland, the children entry age is five but it’s not statutory like in England; the differences that exist is that in Scotland is there is an existence of hard and fast cut-off dates in regard to what is normally considered as â€Å"rising fives†(Matheson 2000). The majority of children in rural schools in Pakistan join primary school when they have attained the age of six years or even more and unlike in UK where 5 years old are enrolled. Most countries in UK have their primary level split into two; there is key stage 1 (5-6 years) and key stage 2 (year 7-11).this is quite different with a three tier system being used in Pakistan. A primary education last for 7 years in Scotland and they do not have preparatory classes like in the case of England. Secondary education in Pakistan has duration of four years (grade 9-12). This is provided in government sponsored secondary and higher secondary schools. The majority of these schools have middle level classes. The institutions of learning that exists in all of their provinces are the same, the existence of colleges are meant to offer secondary classes. In UK, secondary schools normally targets age group of 12-16 and at times 12-17 or even 18 depending on the country, in which students joins A-levels. In Northern Ireland, major differences that exists is that their institutions exists in the basis of religious communities or sect; their schools are managed by three groups namely Catholics, community and protestants. In Pakistan, majority of their schools are government sponsored. Also there is minimal religious influence in their education sector; Islamic teachings are most commonly taught in various schools. The education system in Northern Ireland is characterized by religious segr egation, these does not exist in other UK countries (McAllister Dowds 2014). The parent’s attitude of selecting schools for their children of other religion is the rarest thing that happens in Northern Ireland just like in the case of Muslim parents in Pakistan. Their system allows religious schools which includes Muslims, Anglican, Jewish and Roman catholic schools. In Pakistan, the ministry of education has responsibility for curriculum for grades 1-12; curriculum bureau or curriculum Research and Development Center (CRDC) operates in all their provinces and their role is to provide academic assistance to ministry of education based in Islamabad. The process of formulation normally takes a lot of time; it thus requires experts’ opinions and inclusiveness, and representation from all provinces. The role of National Curriculum Review Committee is finalizing curriculum draft that would be followed nationally. The curriculum for higher education is formulated by concerned departments in colleges or universities (Shah 2014). The process of formulating a curriculum in UK varies in all their four countries. In Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, the curriculum they have is a statutory subject based. In Scotland, their curriculum from 5 to 14 is mainly based on five broad curriculum areas, 14 to 16 is based on eight study modes. The major diff erence that exists in primary and secondary schools in Scotland is that there is a domination of subjects in their curriculum. Also their curriculum is characterized by shorter academic courses and vocational modules. The rest of other UK countries have longer academic courses and vocational programs that usually lead to group awards. Pakistan curriculum formulation is more centralized and it is similar to other UK countries but not in the case of Scotland where they have flexible and teacher centered curriculum. In Pakistan, the district governments are in charge of assessment and examinations as from grades 1 to 12. A national curriculum test does not exist for primary, secondary and elementary schools in three provinces which includes AJK, FANA and FATA and unlike in the case of UK. In Punjab province, provincial and district governments have introduced national curriculum test both in primary (grade 5) and elementary (grade 8), this tests are conducted by district and provincial government. The continuous assessment test in Punjab determines ones progression in their academic system; this is per their examination reforms. Initially there was six assessments per year which was revised later to four assessments. There are compulsory examinations at the end of each grade all over their three provinces and it is conducted by different bodies which includes Boards of intermediate secondary schools (BISE) for secondary and higher secondary level; The Inter-Board Committee of chairman ensures th at there is uniformity and quality assurance across BISEs. In UK, their national curriculum are statutory most notably in England; this does not exist is Scotland. These tests are conducted in England at the end of each stage like KS1, KS2, KS3 and KS4. Primary SAT examination was abandoned in Wales on grounds that it wasn’t helpful when it comes to raising standards (Murphy 2014). Unlike in Pakistan; there is no much difference when it comes to awarding of certificates across the UK. The GCSE are awarded to students upon completing their 16 years of schooling while in Scotland, it is awarded after 17 or 18 years of schooling (McNally 2013). In conclusion, this study shows differences and similarities that exist in the Pakistani education system and UK education system. There are disparities in education system within the UK countries just like in the case of four provinces within Pakistan. What creates these divisions in education system of this two countries are the resources that are there in public schools; the Pakistani educational institutions experience lack of qualified and trained personnel despite the similarities that exists in terms of infrastructure between these two countries (Lall 2012).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Financial Services - Personal Financial Planning Essay

Financial Services - Personal Financial Planning - Essay Example The importance of financial planning, which is not just comprised of saving is also discussed. This paper aims to give some recommendations in order to gain the incentives of having a financial plan without being penalized by the government through its policies. It may be true that the state punishes those who save. Accordingly, there can be three most identifiable government policies that discourage savings: taxation on savings and capital; low interest rates in risk-free financial instruments; and social security and other government programs that substitute savings—the major argument of the above statement. Taxation on savings and capital. One government policy is to make provision for taxes. Taxes and government spending are part of the fiscal policy. Because taxes are included in savings account for every interest received by an investor or depositor, the taxes serve as a disincentive to save, at least in the risk-free securities in the market. Low interest rates: less incentive for delaying consumption due to inflation. Low interest rates in banks, which sometimes result in very low real rate after deducting inflation, give consumers very little incentive to save. Due to the time value of money, consumers might as well save as their dollars are worth more for the current, than delay consumption because the reward is not huge enough for them to be compensated. Social Security and other government programs substitute savings. With more government programs that are available to the public that substitute the role of savings, the public does not find any other reason to save behind such safety net. The prevalence of these programs that are part of the policies of the government, seem to be enough for the public which does not give additional incentive to save. While people are discouraged by the government to save through its various policies that penalizes the savers, the future’s uncertainty is the major motivation behind all personal

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

For your argument essay, you must produce an essay that argues for one

For your argument , you must produce an that argues for one side of a contentious issue on children's literature - Essay Example At such a young age when children are the most impressionable, it is best that they are well-guarded about concepts that could be dangerous or jarring to them, but they should not be promoted to censorship, be prepared for real life and other concepts that they will be introduced to when they are older, and be allowed to decide on their own tastes in regard to books and films. Censorship is the act of preventing people from reading, watching, or listening to material that others deem to be inappropriate. Censorship is an ongoing problem in our world, with most of it being seen in schools or being encouraged by parents. Though parents do have a right to say what material their child should or should not be subjected to, they should make it known that their objection is due to how inappropriate the material is for their child, but not in a general sense. Parents should not promote censorship to their children but impress upon them the importance of sticking to subject matter that is suitable for their age. If children grow up in a censored world, they will be denied the opportunity to grow and experience the other stories that books and films have, which could potentially lead to ignorance, since many of these books and films deal with important historical events and tragedies. Furthermore, a child that is exposed to so much censorship at such a young age w ill be given a false idea of what is right and what is wrong, or inappropriate. The innocence of age needs to be defended, not the material itself. As previously mentioned, children should be protected from material that is inappropriate to their age, like sex and violence. Romance or strong family values or issues, on the other hand, should not be kept from them, but embraced. These are vital to any child growing up in this day and age; they are important to understand as they are real life concepts. More over, they need to have some subjection to ideas or concepts that

Monday, August 26, 2019

Project management-Scenario Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Project management-Scenario Assignment - Essay Example Measure of the extent to which a company’s benefits are achieved is known as value and this should be at optimum cost. As a manager of the battery manufacturing company, Bart Erry Ltd, I would employ risk management and assessment for evaluation of risks in order to take remedial actions in line with achieving these benefits and minimising loss of value to hazards and uncertainties. Risk profile is a defined set of risks that an organization is exposed to and describes when a risk should be considered acceptable as well as how the risk is affecting decisions of the organization and corporate strategy (Woodhead, 2001)1. Risk profiling involves outlining the risks according to priority and can be developed during risk analysis and used for the management of these risks. It enables the company to measure the likelihood of the threats occurring and the extent of disruption that can be caused by each type of risk. Profiling hence involves identification and quantification of risks where identification is simply finding or recognizing a particular risk that could affect the organization in achieving its goals. While in quantification the identified risks are evaluated and a data developed to help in outlining a disaster recovery plan. The battery manufacturing company, Bart Erry Ltd are currently facing a number of risks such as legal suit may be filed against them by the local community because of the chemical effluent which found its way into the river and killed fish. They also face relocation from their current location by the government. They as well face health hazard risk not only to the local community but to the company too because they may also depend on water from the contaminated river for several uses. The company may also face destruction of property by the angry local fishing community whom have been affected because the effluent from the company caused the death of fish that they

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Forced Migration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Forced Migration - Essay Example A major reason that has intensified forced migration is the international terrorism which is being driven by certain religious ideologies.   For instance, the notorious organizations like the Al- Qaeda and Taliban which have targeted the conversion of entire world in to Islam, consider all other religious groups as their foes.   This Spiritual Terrorism addresses itself as Jihad.   Although they are against all governments, their major concern seems to be the United States of America and some other European nations that have a colonial or imperial history. The global terrorism has left far reaching consequences on the social, moral and economic areas of the present world. People suspect the members of other ethnic groups and that leads to communal riots and violence in many parts of the world. The recent terror attacks and current warfare in the countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and Palestine etc. have produced thousands of refugees. The moral concept of the world is highly affected by terrorist distractions. Children and women are being exploited and victimized more than ever before. Crimes such as smuggling, looting and sex racketing flourish along with every terror attempt. Terrorists invest huge amounts in their operations to attract youngsters of poor financial and educational backgrounds.   The number of death and migration occurred during the terror attacks, and further due to the war against terror are beyond any statistics. Thousands of children every year become homeless and women miss their husbands and fathers for the sake of terrorism. Horrible uncertainty is prevailing in many of the countries which are having terrorist influence.  Unexpected climate changes and natural calamities also often compel people to move from one place to another. Irrespective of geographical differences every population is under the threat of forced migration which can be caused by climate change or other ecological catastrophe. Natural phenomena such as sea level rise, hurricanes and typhoons, drought, wildfire, heat waves, volcanoes, and earthquakes result in massive migration every year in many parts of the world. Millions of people become homeless who are often called ecological refugees. These causes are absolutely natural and there is no significant connection with any sort of global change. In addition to these environmental reasons, sometimes governments’ infrastructure projects also cause forced migration which can be attributed to global change. For instance, building of dams, roads or tourist resorts often demand people to leave their place. World Bank estimates that 90 million people were displaced in the 1990s as a result of infrastructure projects (Digby B, 2001). In fact there are only a few causes like globalization, financial policies, and infrastructure modification that are closely associated with global change.

Marriage must be banned Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Marriage must be banned - Research Paper Example 71). Moreover, according to the "Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law", "Marriage is the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a legal, consensual, and contractual relationship recognized and sanctioned by and dissolvable only by law" (Marriage). In any case, marriage is a partnership or covenant between a male and female which starts normally when at the youth period and ends only at the death of either of the partners. The concept of marriage is getting decreased popularity at present among teenagers or youths because of the changing life styles and life principles. According to National vital statistics reports of 2009, "Number of marriages is 2,077,000. Marriage rate is 6.8 per 1,000 total populations. Divorce rate is 3.4 per 1,000 populations (44 reporting States and D.C.)" (Tejada & Sutton). Current generation perceive marriage as a burden rather than a necessity. In their opinion, whatever the purpose fulfilled though marriage can be obtain ed even without a marital life. Staying together is the new life concept which is substituting marriage. The advantage of staying together over marriage is that if any of the partners face problems in adjusting his or her life with the partner, he/she can put an end to that relationship easily and look for other options. It is difficult for the couples to get a divorce, if they tied their relationship through a marriage. In this paper, I argue that marriage should be banned considering burden it creates to human life. Forced marriage and arranged marriage create lot of problems in the life of people. â€Å"The only reason for the couple to be together is the pressure of the two families and of the society as a whole. They are concerned to keep the marriage going no matter whether it is successful or not† (Opponent’s Views on Arranged Marriages). Neither the male nor the female gets any opportunity to know each other in the case of an arranged marriage. Parents usually arrange the marriages of their children based on their own perceptions about life. However, life is changing rapidly and it is not necessary that the parents have the right knowledge about the necessities of modern life. Parents arrange the marriage based on the knowledge they acquired in their life. Their intention is always to secure the life of their children. So, in most of the cases, the parents will look to the financial aspects of the marriage first before finalizing the marriage. Dowry system is prevailing among many cultures and the marriage is decided based on the amount of dowry the bridegroom is getting. In other words, the choices of the youths get least preferences in arranged marriages. Marriage is a convention. From a thousand years ago to today, people get married by the strong force. â€Å"Article 16 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that: â€Å"Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses† (C onvention on Consent to Marriage, Minimum Age for Marriage and Registration of Marriages). However, many of the youths try to engage in marital relationships, to keep the tradition intact. They might have learned that marriage is an essential thing which makes human different from animals. They are getting long lectures about the importance of keeping traditions from their school, colleges, and churches. Even if they have different opinions, the pressure from family and society force them to engage in a

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Reaction paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Reaction paper - Essay Example Some have argued, that there were already Anti-Semitic feelings in Europe long before Hitler’s Regime and the international boycott by the Jewish community served as the "the first shot fired in the Second World War" (Johnson 2001). Even though it is true that the Jewish leaders, such as Rabbi Stephen Wise of the American Jewish Congress, were urged to forego these tactics, they did not relent and continued to boycott in hopes of destroying Germany’s economy, industries, and government (Johnson 2001). Despite the boycott, violent feelings, and insults spread about the Germans, it does not justify the brutal measures Hitler and his Regime took in retaliation. The mass effort to confine them in concentration camps or ship them out to Palestine in collaboration with the Zionists was underhanded, unjust, and malicious (Johnson 2001). Boycotting, printing news paper articles, and declaring speeches against Hitler and his Regime was still nothing compared to what Hitler and h is government did to the Jews. Boycotting goods in order to deal a blow to a country’s economy hardly warrants imprisonment in gas chambers, persecution, and violence carried out against millions.